MicroBlading: Manual method to create eyebrows hair which creates extremely fine, natural-looking hair strokes
MicroShading: Pigment is filled with a digital machine to give powder/ombre effect
MicroFeathering: Hyper-realistic brows using a digital pen
Enhance your eyes with smudge proof eyeliner
MicroLash: Pigment is applied at the base and in between the lash line to give the appearance of thickness to the lashes.
MicroLine: Classic eyeliner + Shadow effect
add liner on the bottom eyeline
MicroLip: Full color with liner definition
Watercolor tinted lip blush
Neutralize Dark pigmented lip to pinkish natural lip color
*2-3 sessions needed to achieve optimal results
*All cosmetic pmu service do not include follow up
within 6wks of initial session
within 7wk-6mo
Within 12mo
a single session to intensify the color that faded over time
Within 24mo
a single session to refresh the color and shape
Note: Rates are subject to change and are non-negotiable
3D Areola/Nipple Pigmentation
one side
both sides
Medical tattoo include one complementary session
Price include first and second session
Follicle replicated look on shaved head
Norwood Scale 2-4
Scarring from Hair transplant
Add density to long hair (price per 2"x3")
Suitable to men and women
Areola, Breast, Belly Button, Tummy Tuck, Facelift Scars
*medical tattoo session includes one complimentary follow up
within 6wks of initial session
Prices per session
Scar reduction using Microneedling
Non-invasive scar reduction using Plasma
New start of your botched permanent makeup lightening/removal of old tattoo
Brightening treatment for intimate zone
Note: Rates are subject to change and are non-negotiable